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Event staffing & Promotional staffing Agency Dresden, Germany

Event Hostess or promotional models for Events or Trade Fairs in Dresden, Germany

    EVENT MODELS COM is Event Staffing Agency based in Germany.
    Wherever promotional models or Trade Fair Hostesses in Dresden, Germany is required,
    our german agency has all kinds of trained professional and reliable promo models in place ready to promote your company. Female or male hostesses or hosts may welcome your customers at your booth, may distributing flyer or give aways.
    They make sure that your clients feel as much welcomed as possible.

    For any other questions regarding hostess or models in Dresden, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone.
    Why do not call our agency to make sure to find reliable, attractive or experienced hostesses in Dresden just right now?

Profiles of Event Hostess - Promotion Models from Dresden

Pictures below show you a very small part of hostesses or models from our database in Dresden.
To see their profiles please press "view profile".

Event Model Sachsen
Henrike #14510

fachliche Standbetreuung FLORIAN Feuerwehrmesse Dresden & Job Messe Dresden Hostess bei mehreren Veranstaltungen v.a. im Sportbereich über Agentur Victory People Berlin (z.B. Adidas The Base Berlin, im Dynamo Stadion Dresden, beim Berlin Marathon…) 2019 - 2021 Veranstaltungs- und Service Personal in der Semperoper Dresden (Ticket- und Platzservice, Garderobe etc) 2019 & 2020 VIP Hostess beim Semperopernball Modelerfahrung: DIE ZEIT Campus, Werbekampagne Berufsfeuerwehr Dresden, private Shootings

Event Model Sachsen
Fabian #14483

Ich habe umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Promotion in den letzten Jahren gemacht, ob auf Messen, der Leipziger Innenstadt oder bei verschiedensten Privatparties.

Event Model Sachsen
Helen #14430

Seit 2018 arbeitete ich als Hostess (Messa, Restaurant, Konferenz)

Event Model Sachsen
Tatiana #14404

2 Jahre Erfahrungen im Bereich Eventservice und Eventbetreuung

Event Model Sachsen
Sylvia #14399

15 jährige Liveerfahrungen als Sängerin und 5 jährige Erfahrung in (Co)Moderation Bereich Stadtfeste, Radiobühnen, Galas, Firmenfeiern, Interviewerfahrungen/Talkgast TV und Radiosendungen (Bereich HR, MDR, Hitradio RTL), Erfahrungen Fotoshootings, Videodreherfahrungen, Komparsenerfahrungen (SOKO und TV-Filme)

Event Model Sachsen
Uliana #14395

Habe als Barkeeper, Barista, Koch und Shishamaker gearbeitet, in Deutschland als auch in der Ukraine. Außerdem habe ich als Kinderbetreuer in privater Sprachschule gearbeitet.

Event Model Sachsen
Johanna #14244

seit 2015 Foto-und Laufstegmodell an der Designschule Leipzig und außerhalb, seit 2019 Modell für Maler

Event Model Sachsen
Sonja #14072

-in Australien: Promotion für Lindt Schokolade

Event Model Sachsen
Henriette #14052

Erfahrungen im Service und Einzelhandel

Event Model Sachsen
Anna #14017

Hostesserfahrung bei RB-Leipzig Promotion für kleiner Feigling, sowie auf diversen Festivals Service u.a. auf der Leipziger Messe

Event Model Sachsen
Nicole #13986

- Iron Hawk vs. Bad Bae "Favy", Musikvideo - SachsenKrad 2020, Fotomodel Presseshooting, Messerundgang & Fotomodel - LLdeSaxe-Fashion, Standbetreuung FetishZoo - LLdeSaxe-Fashion, Standbetreuung WIR2 dekaDANCE & Play Party - Orion Dresden, Dessousmodenschau - SachsenKrad 2019, Fotomodel - Valentina - italienische Moden, Living Doll (2 mal) - Lecturio (E-Learning-Programm für Studenten), Werbevideo - Motogiro, Saisoneröffnung "Liveshooting" - Eröffnung "Eiswurm Universal Studios", Live-Shooting + Hostess - Lilliyandtart, Werbeshooting Online-Shop - Bild Dresden, Artikel "Pokemon-App" - CS-Agentur, Promo "btty-Sportwetten" (2 mal) - Newpic Photography, Werbeshooting - Drac Noroc, Bandshooting - Lindacher Hörakustik, Werbeshooting - Höffner-Casting Dresden, Platz 5 - Port01-Magazin, Artikel New York Fitness - Radio Dresden, Kalendershooting - Radio Dresden "So sexy ist Dresden 2010", Finalistin 6. Platz - Miss Sunshine 2010 - DDR-Fahrzeugvermietung, Bannerwerbung - div. Fotoshootings

Event Model Sachsen
Jasmin #13964

IFA 2017 Berlin Hostess, Hostess bei div. Ärzteweiterbildungen, Markenbotschafterin für Hyundai seit 03/2017, Markenbotschafterin für Suzuki seit 02/2018 (und viele mehr)

Event Model Sachsen
Trang #13949

Glücksgas Stadium in Dresden als Messehostess Redbull Arena in Leipzig als Messehostess

Event Model Sachsen
Vivian #13937

-GridGirl bei allen ADAC GT MASTERS Rennen 2017 für KFZteile24 (+Siegerehrung) -"GridGirl" DCL Drohnenweltmeisterschaft 2017 (+Siegerehrung), SES Boxing 2016 -Hostess, VIP Hostess (2015-2016) bei jeglichen Messen (Tierärzte Kongress, Pneumologie Kongress, Euronics Messe (Sony), Buchmesse Lpz, ect.

Event Model Sachsen
Laura sophie #13816

Ich habe viele Erfahrungen im modelbereich sammeln können, unter anderem auf diversen Shows in Berlin,Leipzig, Dresden etc (fashionweek, passagenfest, Straßenfest, charity for Fashion). Auch im Hostessbereich war ich schon viel tätig: zb für Huawei, Rb, Olympus,Uva online, lekkerland... Des Weiteren habe ich auch viele Erfahrungen in folgenden Bereichen: Promotion, Verkauf, VIP Betreuung, service, Dolmetscherin, messearbeit, garderobe etc.

Event Model Sachsen
Sarah-Juliane #13812

Stadtfest Dresden: Kinderbetreuung & Beratung LEGO Galeria Kaufhof: Kinderbetreuung & Beratung Goliath Sachsenring: Betreuung Stand Kärcher

Event Model Sachsen
Sarah #13799

Erfahrungen im Service bei TST Personal Services, gearbeitet z.B. Bei der IFA, dem Leipziger Opernball, Meissener Vernissace und anderen Events in München und Dresden. Außerdem Erfahrungen als Hostess bei Team Brenner Leipzig, gearbeitet z.B. als Hostess bei Rotkäppchen, im Westin Leipzig, Model für Celebration die Dinnershow usw. Lehramtsstudentin im dritten Semester, Erfahrungen bei der Arbeit als Servicekraft im Hotel.

Event Model Sachsen
Franziska #13654

Leider besitze ich noch keine Erfahrungen, liebe aber den Kontakt mit dem Mensch und gehe selbstsicher auf diesen zu.

Event Model Sachsen
Eyelada #13571

Ich habe VIP-Service im Redbull Arena in Leipzig gearbeitet und bei Spa&Massage als Rezeption und betreute ich den Kunden. Ich habe auch als Aushilfe-Frühstück im Westin in Leipzig gearbeitet.

Event Model Sachsen
Sophia #13558

-Buchmesse Leipzig 2017: Messehostess, - Neurologie Kongress Leipzig 2017: Messehostess, - Sales Assistant in G-Star Store Leipzig.

Event Model Sachsen
Laura-Marie #13556

Seit 5 Jahren als Messehostess tätig.

Event Model Sachsen
Anna #13473

Seit sieben Jahren Promoterin, Servicekraft und Messehostess.

Event Model sachsen
Sonja #13349

Irrc Frohburg und Horice und kleine private Motoradrennen

Event Model Sachsen
Isabelle #13340

verschiedene Messen in Leipzig: Kommunikation auf Englisch, Spanisch, Einlasskontrolle, Auskunftskraft,Registrierung der Teilnehmer, Repräsentant der Messen Promotion in Leipzig: Mode, Möbelhäuser, Flyerverteilung

    Wherever promotional models or Trade Fair Hostesses in Dresden is required, EVENT MODELS has all kinds of trained professional and reliable promo models in place ready to promote your company.
    Our clients are also able to view and book german models through our advanced website.
    Whether you want promo models, brand ambassadors, runway girls, trade show models or event staffing for special functions, liquor and other event promotions, our agency has the right staffing option for you.

exhibition hostess in Dresden: How we work:

book exhibition hostess in Germany, book booth models in germany
get a quote quote request for exhibition models Dresden, germany

› You inform us about Event- or Trade Show Name with your Inquiry Details for hostesses or promotional staff in Dresden und we forward it to the appropriate staff in our database.
› After receiving your Inquiry we will send your e-mail with staff overview as well as our price overview.
› Staff who has reply for your specific Inquiry is visible online for you.
› you can book your favorite exhibition hostess, promo girls, promotional staff (depends what you are looking for).

Following services particular we offering:
▶ foreign languages hostess or translator from Dresden may translate customer dialogue (if needed)
▶ promo girls distributing Flyers or give aways.
▶ several thousand persons in our database like promo girls, exhibition hostesses, promotional staff
▶ no extra costs for Traveling or accommodation (as long as you choose staff in city where you are looking for)
▶ book your promotional staff or exhibition hostess within few hours online

Exhibition Hostess, Booth Models, Booth Hostess Dresden

Trade Show hostesses from BM Boothmodels Model Agency offers you complete service package. We do not employ exhibition hostesses or hosts, but we will providing you attractive booth models, exhibition hostesses and do charge fee on top for each model or hostess you need to book in Dresden. You will pay less compare to other Promotional Agencies.

Interpreter, Translators or Hostesses with deep understanding in other languages

For your individual wishes, abroad we recommend our talented foreign language speaking exhibition hostesses or exhibition hosts from Dresden. Foreign Speaking Hostesses take care of your foreign guests if needed as well.
In our database are professional and non professional Interpreters depends on your budget. Most of them has got a showreel for better understanding in how good they are.

Event Staff

For your Premiere, gala, your companys celebration, a conference or congress here in Dresden, you will find huge selection of trained event staff in our database as well.

We take care of your individual wishes. Clients Satisfaction is rather important for Bm Boothmodels Model Agency. In anyway we put a big emphasis into it. Thats the reason why to inform our trade show hostesses and models related to the project and to make sure they have the best references in the field of exhibition and event services.

Your clients satisfaction as well as satisfaction of Hostesses or Models from our agency is rather important for us. We may train staff from Dresden related to your project and make sure they have the best references in the field of exhibition or event services before booking.
Hostesses and Models from BM Booth Modelling Agency has got:

› attractive appearance
› excellent references
› qualified and trained expierences
› excellent communication skills
› reliable and motivated personality

We would be happy to work together with you and provide you staff regarding your individual wishes for Staff in Dresden.
For any other questions you may, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email as well.

Event Model Hostess Dresden,

event staff or stand hostesses to work at events and all exhibition venues in Germany.
We work with clients and individual companies across the Car, Technology, Tourism and Business sectors to provide reliable professional and attractive staff.
Why don´t you call us next time you may need staff for your upcoming Event in Dresden?

current Trade Shows in Dresden

room and style Trade Fair
05.01.2018 - 07.01.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
The room+style impresses with exclusivity, style and exceptionality. This applies especially to the many exhibitors from the areas of lifestyle, fashion, interior decoration, home accessories and much more.
Messe und Verkaufsschau für Wohnideen und Lebenskultur
SachsenKrad Trade Fair
12.01.2018 - 14.01.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
Winter is a tough thing for lovers of bicycles. Here comes the SachsenKrad just right and shorten the waiting time so perfectly to the new season.
Motorradmesse und Ausstellung für Motorrad und Zubehör
Börsentag Trade Fair
20.01.2018 - 20.01.2018
Ostra-Ufer 2, 01067 Dresden
Trade Fair for private investors
Messe für Privatanleger
Reisemesse Trade Fair
26.01.2018 - 28.01.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
The holiday trade fair for caravaning, cruises and activity holidays
Messe für Urlaub, Reise und Camping
Energie Trade Fair
22.02.2018 - 25.02.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
The Energie is a fair part of the regional house building exhibition Haus. The focus of the Energie lies in the use of renewable energy in the building and energy, because the growing importance of solar, biomass, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric power
Fachausstellung für regenerative, effiziente und zukunftsorientierte Energien
Haus Trade Fair
22.02.2018 - 25.02.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
The largest regional construction trade fair in Germany
Größte regionale Baufachmesse Deutschlands
IFK Trade Fair
08.03.2018 - 10.03.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
International Fluid Engineering Colloquium
Internationales Fluidtechnisches Kolloquium
Silicon Saxony Day Trade Fair
29.05.2018 - 29.05.2018
Königsbrücker Landstraße 2a, 01109 Dresden
European Trade Fair and conference for semiconductors
Europäische Halbleitermesse und Konferenz
Florian Trade Fair
11.10.2018 - 13.10.2018
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden
The Florian is the international trade fair for firefighters, fire protection and disaster prevention. Since its founding in 1997, it has established itself as the most important fair of the industry
Fachmesse für Feuerwehr, Brand- und Katastrophenschutz